For you and many other women who are overweight, we publish the "Favorite" diet. It is she who likes many women who follow her figure.
The effectiveness of the favorite diet - less than eight to ten kilograms.
The main advantage of the diet is that the lost weight will not return and the body will cleanse itself naturally.
Diet menu
Day 1
drink liquid in unlimited quantities (water, tea, broth, kefir);
Day 2
we eat vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, carrots, cabbage, etc. ) in any quantity;
Day 3
drink liquid in unlimited quantities (water, tea, broth, kefir);
Day 4
eat fruit (apple, orange, banana, kiwi, grapefruit) in any quantity;
Day 5
eat foods that are high in protein (boiled chicken, eggs, yogurt);
Day 6
drink liquid in unlimited quantities (water, tea, broth, kefir);
Day 7
the food of this day must be balanced. This day is a way out of the diet.
Diet menu for 1 day
- We will have breakfast: two cooked chicken eggs, a glass of unsweetened tea;
- 2nd breakfast: any fruit;
- Lunch: a plate of broth or soup with rice;
- Snack: any fruit;
- Dinner: vegetable salad with olive oil dressing and a little salt.
Diet menu for 7 days

Day 1
- We have breakfast: we drink a cup of unsweetened tea, a glass of skim kefir,
- Lunch: two hundred grams of unsalted chicken broth,
- Snack: one hundred and fifty grams of skimmed yogurt,
- For dinner: we drink a glass of skim milk.
- During the day we drink two liters of clean water.
Day 2
- We have breakfast: we eat two tomatoes,
- Lunch: salad (cabbage, cucumber, herbs, dressing - vegetable oil),
- Snack: two cucumbers,
- Dinner: salad (cucumber, pepper, herbs).
- During the day we drink two liters of clean water.
Day 3
- We have breakfast: we drink a cup of unsweetened tea, a cup of smoothie,
- 2nd breakfast: a cup of milk,
- Lunch: eat two hundred grams of unsalted chicken broth,
- We have a snack: we drink a glass of kefir,
- We have dinner: we drink a glass of milk.
- During the day we drink two liters of clean water.
Day 4
- We have breakfast: we eat two oranges,
- 2nd breakfast: grapefruit,
- Lunch: eat fruit salad (orange, kiwi, apple),
- Snack: apple and pear,
- We have dinner: we drink a glass of milk.
- During the day we drink two liters of clean water.
Day 5
- We have breakfast: we eat two eggs,
- 2nd breakfast: we will eat two hundred grams of boiled fish,
- We have lunch: we eat 150 grams of boiled chicken, one hundred grams of peas,
- Eat a snack: eat a hundred grams of low-fat cottage cheese,
- For dinner: we eat a hundred grams of skim cheese.
- During the day we drink two liters of clean water.
Day 6
- We have breakfast: we drink a cup of unsweetened tea, two hundred grams of skim kefir,
- 2nd breakfast: two hundred grams of grapefruit juice,
- Lunch: two hundred grams of unsalted chicken broth,
- We have a snack: we drink a glass of smoothie,
- We have dinner: we drink a glass of milk.
- During the day we drink two liters of clean water.
Day 7
(coming off the diet)
- We have breakfast: we eat two cooked chicken eggs, we drink a cup of green tea,
- 2nd breakfast: eat any fruit,
- Lunch: chicken broth soup with rice,
- Eat any fruit
- Dinner: vegetable salad with vegetable oil dressing.

The main result of the "Favorite" diet is that the volumes go very well, the whole body feels light.
The diet is quite effective, but it takes a lot of willpower to follow it, so the support of loved ones is important, since in the first days it can be especially difficult.
In addition to following a diet, it is worth connecting to physical activity; This will contribute to faster weight loss. But don't try too hard, as the "Favorite" diet can hardly be called balanced. The effect of the diet can be enhanced with activities such as aerobics, Pilates, etc.
After analyzing the reviews, we realized that the diet gives good results to many women, but you should only follow it after consulting a doctor, a nutritionist. For people who have health problems, it is contraindicated.
We have noticed that the results of the diet are directly dependent on the starting weight.
Let's summarize
The results of your favorite diet are excellent: less than 5 to 10 kg in 7 days.
It is effective, it allows you to lose weight quickly, but it should not be abused.
This diet needs serious preparation, you need to learn in advance how to limit your diet.
Depending on the calorie content of the diet, you should follow the exercise or walking regimen to get physical activity.
In general, the diet is simple, the menu is available for any woman to cook.
Diet reviews suggest that some people find it difficult to resist refusal of solid foods. Therefore, it is necessary to limit physical activity, if possible, abandon training, because this diet is characterized by the following side effects: dizziness, nausea, loss of strength.
Also, if your weight is almost within the normal range, you can only lose a couple of kilograms.
Diet Recommendations

- while observing the drinking days, it is imperative to drink broth so as not to disturb the diet,
- It is forbidden to drink artificial juices, sugary drinks,
- the food in a day of fruits should be frequent, every three hours, so that you do not feel hungry,
- On a protein day, it is better to eat: chicken, fish, shrimp, egg white, becauseWhen using cottage cheese, yogurt, the effectiveness of the diet decreases due to the content of lactose in them, which retains fluid,
- every day you need to drink two liters of clean water,
- You need to get off the diet correctly, that is, do not pounce on the food after the end of the diet, even if for at least a week your menu will be like this: breakfast with boiled eggs, dinner with soup cooked in chicken broth, dinner with avegetable salad, have a snack with fruit.
To maintain the result of the diet, limit the calorie content of your diet for another month, and also eliminate from it: flour, sweets.
In addition to this, you will need to find out which foods give you weight gain through trial and error.
The main thing when following this diet is moderation, then you will not only be slim, but also healthy.
Diet benefits
- The ability to get in shape quickly before an important meeting,
- The ability to break the "plateau" if the last kilograms do not disappear,
- Strengthening of willpower.
Disadvantages of the diet
- A great burden on the human body, which can cause stomach and intestinal problems, anemia, and other problems.
- The metabolism slows down and it will take a lot of force to restore it.
Diet contraindications
- the pregnancy,
- lactation period;
- hypertension;
- diabetes;
- gastrointestinal diseases;
- the presence of physical activity;
- period of depression;
- renal insufficiency
- heart failure;
- condition after surgery on the abdominal organs.
Side effects
- dizziness,
- it is possible to regain weight after the end of the diet;
- a slight decrease in metabolism;
- the appearance of constipation.
Dietary Guidelines from Nutritionists
It is recommended to eliminate broth from the diet, as it increases the salt and fat content.
In addition, nutritionists advise changing the days of fruits and vegetables, since the body more easily perceives the entry into a fruit diet.
Nutritionists do not recommend using white cabbage during the period of the diet; it is better to take broccoli, it burns fat well.
To consolidate the result of the diet, eat foods containing protein (eggs, yogurt, chicken) in different meals, that is, separately.